by: Rosalind Gardner |
As an Internet marketing consultant, I often hear the question, "Can I REALLY make money online with affiliate programs?" To me, that question speaks of the asker's skepticism, so let's put aside any question of whether money is REALLY being made online before we look any further. Thousands of merchants have put resources into developing affiliate programs so that others can promote their products in exchange for a commission, which is usually a percentage of the product's price. If there wasn't money to be made, Sony, Dell and those thousands of other merchants wouldn't waste their time and money building affiliate programs. I personally know at least a hundred people who make marketing on the Internet their full-time occupation. If there wasn't money to be made, that wouldn't be possible. I am one of those people. The secondary title of my ebook about affiliate marketing is 'How I Made $436,797 Last Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online'. Although I dislike that subtitleand its crass approach, it IS the truth, and it IS effective proof that money can be made online. The statement is backed up on the Super Affiliate Handbook homepage with a picture of part of my income tax statement from 2002 which shows my earnings. See it for yourself at: So, having dispelled any question about whether there is money to be made online, let's proceed to the REAL question. Let's take the emphasis off the word 'REALLY' and place it where it belongs - on YOU. Can YOU really make money online? Sure you can! IF you REALLY want to. Desire is the first key to success. But here's where it gets a little tricky. If your desire is for money, as opposed to what money can buy, your work will be made much harder, if not impossible. 'Huh? Why is that?' you may wonder. Money is a concept. In and of itself it does nothing for you, unless you are very fond of small rectangular pieces of colored paper. If you focus instead on the good that money will bring to your life, such as free time and all the fun ways to spend it, then you'll give positive direction to your efforts. Think about it.. what can that money buy you? The kids' education, a new car, a new house, a second honeymooon... how about a sailboat? Dream a little - dream a LOT, but create some desire, and a REASON to work hard for what you want to achieve. And that's the second key to making money online - Work. Too many people still hold onto the notion of 'get rick quick'. I've got news for them - there's no such thing. You can get rich a little quicker on the 'net, but the truth is that nothing worth having comes without a price. You must invest some time and money. Not much money, but some. Compared to starting any other business, the amount of financial investment required to start an affiliate marketing business on the Internet is negligible. If you don't have one or two hundred bucks - or can't beg,borrow or steal that amount - then maybe you can get a part-time job and save up to start your online business. No matter how you slice it, you won't find another opportunity anywhere that has the potential for this much reward for so little outlay. This IS one of the least expensive businesses you can start. Last but not least - can you stick with it over the long haul? Persistence is perhaps the MOST important quality shared by all entrepeneurs. That's why you hear about those who make a million, lose a million and then make another million. They go up, then down, then up again, but they never gave up. You can't let the ups and downs get to you. Not everything will go your way all of the time. You'll have to make some effort and it won't always be easy. But, if you keep your goals foremost in your mind, learn what you need to know and invest your resources wisely and with persistence, you virtually can't help but succeed. That's how you REALLY make money online! Article by Rosalind Gardner, speaker, consultant and author of the best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". To learn how you too can suceed in Internet and affiliate marketing, sign up for Rosalind's "Net Profits Today" newsletter at: |
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